843-492-7766 or 252-367-7673 Website design | SEO | Internet Marketing | Myrtle Beach SC casey@ncdbs.com

Cyber Security WorkShop Feb. 8 & Feb. 22, 2022

Registration is LIMITED!
Use the secure online form on this page
or call 843-492-7766.

Keep your website and business computers safe from cyber criminals.

Register to attend one of these 2 important workshops.

Sponsored by Digital Business Services and SpartanTec in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Cyber Security Workshop Details

Who should attend:

Any business owner, CEO, CFO,  general manager, corporate computer administrator or operations manager.

Cost: $25 per person. Feb. 8th lunch included. Feb. 22 non-alcoholic beverages and appetizers included.


  • Luncheon Workshop: Feb. 8th 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Lunch included
  • Afternoon Workshop: Feb. 22nd 4 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Non-alcoholic beverages and appetizers included.


Burning Ridge Golf Course, 500 Burning Ridge Rd. Conway, SC 29526


Casey Turton
Digital Business Services
Email: Casey Turton, Digital Business Services

Workshop Location

Manufacturers, lawyers, accountants, health care offices, restaurants, and insurance companies are popular targets for hackers looking to destroy your computers and steal your data!

Yes, it can happen to you. No single person or business is immune to Cyber Attacks.

Banks, doctors, lawyers, manufacturing companies, health care providers and government offices are top targets for professional foreign and domestic hackers. The U.S. Army cites in its “Cyber Infrastructure Report” that hackers can sell your data for $3.00 to $30.00 per client, customer or patient record. No wonder they are after your data!

Two local Myrtle Beach web and business network specialists–Casey Turton of Digital Business Services and Lisa Carter  of SpartanTec-team up to offer 2 Cyber Security Workshops: Tuesday Feb. 8th from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. and Tuesday Feb. 22nd from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Burning Ridge Golf Course, 500 Burning Ridge Rd. Conway, SC 29526. You need only register for one of the two dates that fits your schedule.


The workshops could make a difference between having all your important data held ransom with a hefty payout or feeling confident you’ve taken the right steps to protect your business.


The 90-minute workshops are informal and designed to let you ask questions and get advice.


Internet experts Lisa Carter of SpartanTec and Casey Turton of Digital Business Services will provide critical insights into keeping website, email, business computer networks and confidential customer or employee information safe from hackers.

SpartanTec provides cyber security and computer network design and support to companies throughout North and South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee. Digital Business Services provides secure website development and hosting for small and large businesses across the Eastern United States.



Ms. Carter has presented cybersecurity concepts to the Myrtle Beach Chamber of Commerce, SC Information Technology Director’s Association and various other organizations. Mr. Turton has guest lectured at East Carolina University, Pitt County NC Community College, Lorain County OH Community College, The Greenville NC Small Business Center and at numerous corporate venues.

Seating is limited. So please register early for either date.

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